--> Grumpy (Hi!, how is your project going? )
You can't upgrade your AS 4000 V10 to V10.5.
You can, if you wish, buy a new MLP 10.5 (please read my post above, regarding versions)
Or you can upgrade to Platinum V12
--> Lewis
Lets review 3 different options and concepts
1 - Punch Updater (Free) -->In the right-up corner of the screen of the newest Punch versions, we have the Punch Updater (see attached). This feature allows the update of your product with new materials, objects and libraries. However, if your product is 10.0, after you install the elements downloaded with the Updater, your version will remain 10.0.0
2 - Maintenance Updates (Free) --> Sometimes, Punch releases maintenance updates (patches) to correct a bug or to improve a Power tool. You will find these updates in this page
http://www.punchsoftware.com/sitemap.htmlIn this case, your 10.0.0 version will continue 10.0.0, however, if you installed a 10.5.0 update for a Power Tool (for example), this Power Tool will be version 10.5.0. This means, just the Power Tool and not the hub of the program
3 - Program Upgrades (Paid)--> These are the version upgrades, and you should buy them. If you have Punch AS 4000 V8 (for example) you can upgrade to Punch AS 4000 V10 (for example)
Hope this helps