Hi there,
The QuickStart mode is just this, a fast layout, that you can use or just bypass it by clicking "Continue" and going to Project Mode. If you prefer, you can deactivate the Quick Start Mode.
In Project Mode you will be able to design, import, trace, print, move, set the precision and units, as well as use all the Punch features, and therefore, you can define manually the walls, roofs, topography, etc, for example.
Keep in mind that Punch is a
Home Design program, so, differently of the drawing programs, you must follow the different steps to create the different building components. If you use just a drawing program, a shape can be any element (a wall, a roof or a chair). If you are using a Home Design program, a wall is just a wall, with its shape, dimensions, framing and other properties.
Regarding your question
"Why is 3D so important? 3D should be a bonus": No, 3D is not just a bonus => I am an Architect (AIA International Associate) and I can tell you that currently, Architects, Designers, etc don't use just 2D programs. 3D programs are the best way to detect building conflicts => as all the elements are well defined and related, you can build lots of possibilities and options, check the interferences, etc before the real construction begins, saving money and headaches.
In the image below, you can see a 2D floor plan that "seems" well defined

Capture 2d.JPG
(50kb) downloaded 0 time(s).Actually, the elements are not well defined, so now, let's check in 3D to see the conflicts

Capture 3d.JPG
(67kb) downloaded 0 time(s).You can see lots of images in
my website.
Punch, as any program, has a learning curve. The best way to learn the program, IMO, is practice + practice + practice => Read and follow the manual (this is important), see the videos => try to create elements not related with your project, so you will become familiar with the commands and how to manage the different components and solutions.
If you are interested, my
eBook for Punch V21 for Mac includes lots of tutorials and how-to guides. Also, I have
other eBooks with step by step GuidesHope this helps.