Hi there,
Please include the title, version, and platform you are using. On the PC you will find this info in the main menu => Help => About… On the Mac this info is on the title menu => About…
We need to know this information because different programs / versions include different features.
If you wish to post images => follow these steps:
- upload your picture to a free online photo album like Photobucket or Flickr or Google Photos, for example
- Look for the link of your picture (usually, photo albums provide a "link for a forum" script) => copy the full URL => Paste the link in your post.
Patricia G. / Forum Moderator
--> My website:
www.punchhelpers.com--> My all in one e-book for V19 (Windows): Learning Punch Software (R): Training, Tools & Tutorials for V19 - Windows Version
--> My all in one e-book for V19 (Mac): Learning Punch Software (R): Training, Tools & Tutorials for V19 - Mac Version
--> My all in one e-book for V18: Learning Punch Software (R): Training, Tools & Tutorials for V18
--> My Home Design e-book: Designing your Dream Home Using Punch Software
--> My all in one e-book for previous versions: Learning Punch Software (R): Training, Tools & Tutorials - 2nd Edition
--> My e-book: Learning Punch Software (R): Basic & Advanced Training-Second Edition
--> My e-book: Learning Punch Software (R): Importing, Exporting and Printing-Second Edition
--> My e-book: Learning Punch Software (R): Power Tools-Second Edition
--> My free e-book: Learning Punch Software (R): Mini - Tutorials
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