Hi All,
A picture is worth a thousand words!
Sometimes it is not easy for us to visualize the problems, so a screenshot showing the issue will help us to narrow the problem and provide a better answer.
There are several ways to add images to your post.
There are 4 different buttons as shown in this image

How to add Images to your post.jpg
(19kb) downloaded 2 time(s).- Insert Image Button (outlined in blue in the image)
- Insert Album Image Button (outlined in pink in the image) => Notice that this button will appear only if you activate "My Albums"
- Attach Image Button (outlined in red in the image)
- Create link Button (outlined in green in the image)
These are the different options:
Option 1 => if you have the images in your computer, you can use "My Albums" => click on the albums option (outlined in magenta in the image below) => the "Add / Edit Album" section will open (outlined in black in the image below)=> Browse your computer to find the desired picture (outlined in brown in the image below) => Upload your pictures => In your post, use the "Insert Album Image Button" (outlined in pink in the image) => you will be redirected to your album => select and insert the picture.

My albums.jpg
(15kb) downloaded 1 time(s).Option 2 => if you have the images or files in your computer, you can upload and attach individual images => click on the Attach Image Button (outlined in red in the first image) => the Upload Image screen will open (pointed with a yellow arrow in the image below) => Use the Drop File(s) Here / Add File options to select the file (outlined in orange in the image below) => upload the image using the "Start Upload button" (outlined in cyan in the image below) => the image will be uploaded and inserted in your post.

Upload image.jpg
(29kb) downloaded 0 time(s).Option 3 => if you have the images online => If they are stored in an image host (as
www.imagevenue.com for example) => in the host website, look for "Hotlink a clickable thumbnail on a Forum or Message Board" or the image address (see image below) => copy this link => use the "- Insert Image Button" (outlined in blue in the first image) => paste the link => the image will be inserted in your post.

image link.jpg
(12kb) downloaded 0 time(s).Option 4 => if you have the images online => If they are stored in a file host (as Dropbox or Onedrive for example) => as they can not be hotlinked => just copy the link => use the "Insert Image Button" (outlined in blue in the first image) or use - Create link Button (outlined in green in the first image) => paste the link in the post => a clickable hyperlink will appear in your post (outlined in yellow in the image below)

link post.jpg
(17kb) downloaded 0 time(s).Let us know if you experience problems.