Hi there,
Thank you for posting detailed information (it helps to point the problems)
Some notes and tips.
- Punch is a Home Design program, this means that the program understands constructively the components that you are drawing. For example, in a drawing program, you draw an element and by editing the mesh, you can convert an element into another one. However in Punch, a wall, for example, can be only a wall, with the constructive elements of a wall and the framing properties of a wall. So, modifications can be created if they make sense constructively.
- The roof that you used is a Ready to Use Gable roof (first tool in the Roof tab) => note that you can't edit the ready to use roofs neither you can add / delete points in these roofs. If you need editable roofs, create your components using the Freehand Roof tool (second tool in the Roof tab).
- To clarify the solutions below, the element that you are pointing in your video (pointed with a magenta arrow in the image below) is called
Fascia Roof 1.jpg
(34kb) downloaded 0 time(s).Now, the tips and solutions:
- I created a similar situation. In the image below, you can see the Ready to Use roof (pointed with a blue arrow in the image below), the section that you want to edit (pointed with a green arrow in the image below), and the Fascia (pointed with a magenta arrow in the image below).
Roof 2.jpg
(91kb) downloaded 1 time(s).Now, check the situation in Framing mode => as you can see, as the main roof is a solid, therefore there is no way to cut the Fascia.
Roof 3.jpg
(207kb) downloaded 1 time(s).- In the 2 images below (Shaded View and Framing View), you can see a Freehand Roof edited with points added. As you can see, the Fascia is not present and you can extend the main roof to create the roof returns.
Roof 5.jpg
(71kb) downloaded 1 time(s). Roof 4.jpg
(81kb) downloaded 2 time(s).If you prefer, you can create the roof returns with separated pieces of roof (Freehand Roof tool).
Punch, as any program, has a learning curve. The best way to learn the program, IMO, is practice + practice + practice => Read and follow the manual (this is important), see the videos => try to create elements not related with your project, so you will become familiar with the commands and how to manage the different components and effects .
If you are interested, my
eBook for the V21 programs includes a full chapter about roof as well as the images and instructions about 21 types of roofs.
Hope this helps.
(BTW, you website is nice!